Batman V Superman is not a bad film (it's an 'ok' film). There are many good things in the film that I would love to see more of, such as Ben Affleck's Batman along side Jeremy Iron's Alfred, Gal Godot as an incredible Wonder Woman, and even some of the lighter moments from Henry Cavill's scenes as Clark Kent. I would love to see this movie's Batman in the Batman film that could have come before this one. I'm excited to see him more in the films that are to come after this one. I'm now also very excited to see the Wonder Woman film, which I kind of wish I could have seen before this one so that her cool character could have carried more weight in BvS. I'm still not sure how I feel about Jesse Eisenberg, but if you can think of his Lex as an entirely new Lex Luthor, I think he's kind of alright. Maybe. His motivations and machinations to engineer the whole 'verses' element of the title are one of the more incoherent elements of the plot.
The opening of the film is great. I became excited to see the rest of the film as soon as the (actual Jeep commercial starring Bruce Wayne) scene rolled by, but from there, the movie got a bit overwhelming. To call the film something like 'bloated' or 'overstuffed' would probably miss the point of what the movie is. The movie is HUGE in scope, but finds little time to settle into one thing over another; it's almost like it's 4 or 5 good movies repackaged into one giant film that undersells each individual narrative. Filled with Sucker Punch-like dream sequences (or scenes from the future/past? There are definitely plenty of elements left totally unclear that may rely entirely on future films in the series), overly dramatic speeches where all subtext is read out-loud, snd slow motion scenes beautifully painted with all the vaguely-religious iconography you could ask for, the film was firmly a Zack Snyder affair. It made me excited to see more of this DC Universe, but the small tastes it gave me of the new elements of this universe also left me wanting. You can tell that Snyder loves comics, but its hard to tell if comics fans will love his film. It's almost like it was a midseason finale of a big-budget TV series. I'm glad to have seen it, but, like a complicated piece of a larger puzzle, I would love to see more of what the picture is on the front of this particular puzzle's box.